Wednesday, January 11, 2006

The Hurrier I Go, the Behinder I Get

After glorifying the joys of retirement and long lazy days, I now find myself back at work from 9:00 to 5:00. It’s a rough adjustment and I am still trying to master the logistics. I miss my second cup of coffee at home with my computer or my crossword. Now I am taking it with me in the snazzy commuter cup I got for Christmas. I miss the afternoon walks with Princess. Now I get my exercise walking around the mall, and Princess waits to go to the park on the weekend.

I can’t seem to catch up. The Blog is neglected, correspondence long past due, bills unpaid, groceries not bought. Thoughts not thought. I have to say that working certainly interferes with living my life. It does, however, pay money which is the only reason I would go out the door in the morning.

The Block office is 3.5 miles from my house, a straight shot across Hogan from Sandy to Burnside. An easy commute compared to the 25 miles each way I drove on Highway 13 last year. I can come home for lunch and let the dogs out. Pick up the mail. Run a quick errand. So, all in all, it is not too bad. Except that it is work.

The creative muse seems to want to visit me in the morning right when I need to get ready to leave the house. So the Blog will be sporadic the next few weeks. Please be patient and keep coming back on the off chance you will hit a day I have posted a random thought or two.


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