Saturday, January 14, 2006

Roll Up Your Pants

It’s too late to save your socks! High Water State of Emergency in Oregon. The TV news is full of shots of rivers out of their banks, sewers and drains backed up, hillsides turned into hill slides, mud and rocks on roads, and an angry sea tossing large logs like toothpicks.

And to think I moved out here to escape the wicked winters of the Midwest. Friends write that it is a mild winter there with temps in the 50s. But you should know I have not been adversely affected here other than being a little damp around the edges. The flooding has not reached Wood Village, my daily travels are not complicated by road closures, my roof does not leak, and no trees have fallen on my house. In fact…I am warm and cozy, tucked in my Hideaway.

Today I am looking at the bookshelf where SEVEN Christmas gift books sit waiting to be read in quiet moments. The pantry is well stocked and, of course, I still have my emergency kit from Osceola with flashlight, blanket, etc. I have a stash of yarn on hand for knitting, a quilt under way, the daily crosswords, cable TV with hundreds of channels, and…starting very soon…high speed internet. Who could ask for more?

Tonight as the full Wolf Moon rises, I hope each of you are as well situated and content.


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