Monday, August 28, 2006

Spoke Too Soon

Well my little porch garden that brought me so much joy fell victim to vandalism last night. I came out to find the pots crashed to the driveway below the railing. Shards of broken clay pots, bits of soil, stems, roots and petals all scattered about. One of my round rocks from Osceola was apparently the weapon. It didn’t break, but lay scraped and bruised out by the shed.

This might have happened in San Francisco. And in fact, I had things stolen off my porch there, pot and all. I had to race out in the morning and grab the paper before a passerby took it. But then I moved away and lived in safer places. I was lulled and complacent so this was a big wake-up call for me as I had felt safe here.

The dogs were in the house with me (they didn’t bark???), and the cars are unharmed so in that regard I am relieved. But I am sad to see the carnage and now I have a mess to clean up this morning. These were scraggly little geraniums that I rescued from the back of a plant sale and nurtured into bright thriving blooming beauties. I am very sad.


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