Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Autumn Wanes

A waning afternoon and almost time to leave work and head home for a walk with the dogs and a nice pot of coffee. The season is winding down as well as these are the last of the autumn days and winter begins this Friday. My family will gather at my house for Solstice and be in and out over the weekend and for Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. There will be food and beverages (chili, pizza, sandwiches & hot cider, hot chocolate, tea, coffee, soda), games, puzzles, music, movies, football on TV, walks with the dogs, naps and other activities as they come to mind. A very special guest will be little Ember who will celebrate her first Christmas. This is a time of drawing together, of family and fellowship and fun. We are blessed to all be here in Portland, to be healthy and happy and able to enjoy this special season. We wish all of you out there a Merry Christmas and send Best Wishes for a Happy New Year.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Best wishes to you and your lovely family as well!

10:55 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Best wishes to you and your lovely family as well!

10:55 AM  

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