Monday, December 26, 2005

Boxing Day

Today we acknowledge a celebration that originated in England. Boxing Day is so called because on this day it was customary for tradesmen to collect their Christmas boxes or gifts in return for good service throughout the year. Also, it included giving money and other gifts to charitable institutions, and the needy. The holiday may date from as early as the Middle Ages, but the exact origin is not known. It may have begun with the Lords and Ladies of England, who gave Christmas boxes/gifts to their servants on December 26, or maybe by priests, who opened the church's alms (charity boxes), and distributed.

In America it has taken on the odd meaning of returning gifts that need to be exchanged. Whatever…it is a time to be with family. A time to eat leftovers from the big dinner yesterday and not have to cook. A time to wear or use the gifts received. Here at The Hideaway, we will eat leftover lasagna and more of the fabulous fattening desserts from our Christmas Feast. We'll wear new socks and wrap up in new fleece blankets. We’ll all be together, working our latest 1000 piece puzzle, playing games, listening to music, and just relaxing. Later in the day we will take the dogs to the park and come back for hot Chai Lattes.

From our home to yours…best wishes for a warm and wonderful day.


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