Saturday, June 14, 2008

Nature Journal Entries from Terrapin Station

As I plan my visit back to Missouri, I looked in my Nature Journal to see what was happening this time of year when I lived there.

June 28, 2001
Just arrived at my new home. A wild rain and thunder storm almost caught me. Iris, tiger lilies, honeysuckle, hollyhocks, spirea and Rose of Sharon all blooming. Box turtle on the front porch!

June 1, 2002
Baby cardinals are hatched in nest on the front porch. Iris, snowball, honeysuckle, purple wild flowers (?) and peonies all blooming.

June 13, 2003
More rain and gloom. Where is the sun? Flowers are beaten down. Grass is growing too fast. Really horrible weather.

June 16, 2004
Watching the cardinal nest on the front porch. Hatching should come any minute. Mama bird is used to me sitting close by and does not seem to mind my presence. Box turtle on the front porch.

June 14, 2005
Last two weeks we have severe weather, heavy rains, flash floods, tornado watches (no touchdowns). Mimosa is blooming. Everything sagging under the weight of water.

July 9, 2005
Mowed the whole acre yard all the way around. Little Buddy is eating all the flowers. And digging holes.


Blogger ej ramblin said...

You're going to visit Missouri????

5:51 PM  

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