Monday, November 05, 2007

Falling Backwards

The dogs just don’t get it…this tampering with the clocks. For them it is what time their stomachs tell them it is. Their brains are hooked up to light and dark, dawn and nightfall. Consequently they were up at their usual 7:00 a.m. which according to the clocks is now 6:00 a.m. I don’t get it either. Hard to understand why not having to turn on the lights in the morning saves more energy than turning on the lights earlier in the evening. Huh?

I thought this started when we needed more daylight later during the years of World War II so people would have time to labor in their Victory Gardens after they got off work at their regular jobs. That was in the summertime when vegetables usually grow. So now we have this switch of time from April to November and our biological clocks have to be reset twice a year for no apparent reason. It’s been awhile since I saw a Victory Garden!

An article in the paper yesterday claimed that there is an increase in fatal pedestrian vs. auto accidents at the time of evening that it gets dark earlier. So don’t go walking around at the end of the afternoon. I am changing the time of my walk with the dogs and we will go earlier through the winter. Luckily I am retired and home and can do that.

So now it is late morning…lunchtime by my stomach but not by the clock. It will take several weeks for my biorhythms to adapt to this change. Meanwhile I will eat when I’m hungry and sleep when I’m tired. Works for me.


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